Priv.-Doz. Dr. Monika Köppl-Turyna
EcoAustria is an independent economic research institute based in Vienna. Established in 2012, its research agenda focusses primarily on the ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of economic and social policy measures. EcoAustria conducts independent and evidence-based economic research of high quality to facilitate a science-based debate. Additionally, EcoAustria is successfully active both nationally and internationally.
The Institute is organised as a non-profit organisation that is financed by membership fees and contract research. More than 60 percent of the annual budget is generated by competitively awarded research funds and contract research especially in public interest. Clients include Federal Ministries, Provincial Governments, and the European Commission. The remaining 40 percent of the annual budget is core funding provided by the Federal Ministry for Finance, the Federation of Austrian Industries, and individual companies. More information about our team and the research areas of EcoAustria’s scientists can be found here.
EcoAustria pursues a gender strategy for equal opportunities for women and men, and all employees are committed to practising actual equality between women and men in a code of conduct.