Mag. Ludwig Strohner
Head of the Public Finance Research Section
Mobile: +43 664 88739626
Mag. Ludwig Strohner is Head of the Public Finance Research Section at EcoAustria. His research focuses on tax systems at national and international levels as well as the analysis of the public sector in Austria.
Strohner studied economics at the University of Vienna and finished the Postgraduate-Program at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS). Later, he was employee at Applied Research Section at the IHS, where he was a member of the forecasting department for the economic development of Austria and additionally responsible for the public sector. In addition, Strohner was member of national expert working groups and expert of the Government Debt Committee.
In collaboration with Johannes Berger, Ludwig Strohner developed the computable general equilibrium model PuMA (“Public Policy Model for Austria and other countries”). Previously, he built up the general equilibrium model TaxLab and developed the EU-LLM model for the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. The EU-LLM model is used to help analyse the labour market and the public sector.
Research areas
- Public finance
- Public sector
- National and international tax systems